Cover plate replacement

Here's a video showing you the steps to replace your cover plate outlined below.

  1. Set X-Plate lever to middle position, releasing tension on the mechanism.
  2. Remove old X-Plate cover using a 3mm allen key, taking care when lifting it off to not lose the 4 springs inside.
  3. Set aside old cover and place sliding part inside the replacement cover, apply a little tension to ensure the springs don't fall when replacing the cover.
  4. Place the new cover and sliding part on the X-Plate, adjust the lever if needed and retract the ratchet lock to allow the cover to sit flush.
  5. Keep pressure on the cover as you put the 2 bolts in. Tighten the bolts.
  6. Test your X-Plate to make sure the mechanism still functions, if you have a snap plate then test with that.
  7. Place the old cover inside the green bubble wrap and seal.
  8. If the cardboard box is in a good enough condition then place the green bubblewrap inside the cardboard box, and place in the grey bag provided. Otherwise place the green bubblewrap in the grey bag provided.
  9. If customs documents are on your grey bag, make sure they're clearly visible.
  10. Affix the provided return label on the grey bag, do not obscure customs documents and make sure the shipping label is clearly visible.
  11. Drop off your return parcel at a UPS drop off point convenient for you. You can find your nearest one using the link below: